How to install a wireless security camera system at home?

How to install a wireless security camera system at home?


Often a home that has been the victim of burglary makes a hasty purchase of a home security camera system. Moreover, due to the recent burglary, the homeowner will spend a considerable amount of money on the camera itself. While making a quick camera purchase is sometimes a necessity. It is advisable to refrain from knee-jerk reactions. This is because purchasing the camera itself is only half of the work. The other half of the work involves making an effective strategy regarding the installation of the camera system.

There have been numerous cases where even the most expensive camera systems have failed. A peek into these cases helped find out instances where the faulty installation of the camera compromised its effectiveness altogether. There were cases where the camera was placed at a height, which made it highly convenient for the thief to steal the camera itself. Moreover, thieves have been able to steal cameras from a position where it becomes impossible for their image to be detected. Added to this, there have been cases where the placement of the camera didn’t allow it to cover a central area.

In order to help ensure the safety of your home, here we provide you an answer on how to install a wireless security camera system.

There are two ways to install a home security camera system:

  1. Hire a professional

Hiring a tech professional is always an ideal option as they are able to suggest best practices and the most strategic positions according to your home. It saves you from drilling holes or working with the screwdriver. However, hiring a professional can be costly. In fact, the average starting prices in some areas are $99 onwards.

  1. Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

Even the cameras with the most advanced features are highly comfortable to install. There are great videos on the internet that describe how to install the camera in simple steps. As a result, installing a camera is often not as difficult as it seems at first.

Indoors vs. outdoors

Indoor cameras are the easiest to install as you just have to decide on a place that provides you with the best possible field of you in covering the target area. However, when it comes to deploying outdoor cameras, careful consideration must be made to ensure a suitable height for the camera (As a protection for the camera itself). Outdoor cameras are usually placed at a position overlooking the garage door or looking over the front porch.

While an indoor camera may not have to be highly visible, it is always a good idea to make sure that your outdoor camera does not remain hidden. This is because the visibility of the camera itself is a deterrent to crime. In fact, many people go as far as deploying fake outdoor cameras.

Power source

Wireless security cameras are powered by mainly two options.

  1. Batteries
  2. The cord of the camera has to be charged through an electrical socket.

The source of power must be kept in mind when installing the camera. For instance, if the cord of the camera has to be recharged frequently, then a power socket must be available nearby.

Password protection

When installing the camera, an important thing to do is to secure it with a well-thought-out password. This is because you do not want to risk any stranger hacking into your camera footage (Especially for indoor cameras). Most cameras already come with a default password, but it is important that you change it as quickly as possible.

Smart security camera system

The latest technology in the home security market has enabled the need to be filled with smart cameras that connect with your home Wi-Fi network to provide you access to the camera right on your smartphone.

However, before we delve deep into this, it must be noted that the configuration process may vary according to the product and brand.

Configuring the camera with the home Wi-Fi

  1. Determine the strength of your home Wi-Fi

A low Wi-Fi strength will impact the performance of your security camera. This is because it will result in the transmission of low-quality images. An expensive camera is a bad investment if the Wi-Fi signals in the area are dismal.

  1. Connect your home Wi-Fi network with the camera

This can be done through the use of an Ethernet cable.

  1. Access the web interface of the camera

This can be done by going on the IP address of the camera.

  1. Connecting the Wi-Fi

Select the drop-down box that states “wire”and select wireless. Click the button next to the drop-down box that says “default.” Then select the Radio Button marked STATIC. Now you can alter the address of the camera.

Make sure the address is not the same as another device on your network.

  1. Connect with the Wi-Fi router

Navigate to [Setup > Network > Wi-Fi] and check the box labeled ENABLE. Click on SEARCH SSID to discover the available networks. Double-click the name of your network and enter your credentials

Configuring the camera with your smartphone

In order to use features like motion detection notifications, email alerts, live footage access, etc. The security camera needs to be connected with your smartphone. The first step that needs to be taken is to download the app of the camera company and set up your account. Next, you need to go on the “Device Manager” tab to initialize the connection. Also note, you will need the IP address of the camera. Once the connection is established, you can choose which of the functions to opt for e.g. motion detection notifications.

The flexibility offered by wireless camera systems means they will always be a priority for most people looking to purchase home security cameras. With the guidelines mentioned earlier on how to install a wireless security camera, the process has never been more straightforward.

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